Happy New Year!


I know that there isn’t any really magical about changing the calendar in January. And I know that there are the same 24 hours between December 31 and January 1st as there are between any other days, but . . . it certainly feels magical to me.

I love the start of each new year!


It’s a time of reflection, of celebration, of visioning, of creating, and resolving. It’s a time for organizing, clearing the clutter, starting fresh, and shaking off the missteps of the year before.   Everything seems to have a newness about it and there’s this feeling of unlimited potential in everything.

Did I mention that I love the start of the new year?


January also brings with it other fun like my anniversary (we’ll be celebrating our Sweet 16 on the 16th), birthdays for both of our mothers, and the annual state meeting for my sorority where I serve as the state chaplain. Loads and Loads of good stuff!

Then there’s the serious side of January . . . goal-setting and new year resolutions.  For the past few years there has been a big push to set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Bound). But this year, let’s mix it up a little and set a few DUMB goals in 2015!

Haven’t heard of DUMG goals before? I had the chance to share what they mean during this feature on my local news station. Check it out.

(if you’re having difficulty accessing the video on your mobile device, just click HERE.)



In the comments below let’s talk about new year resolutions (with a twist) –

  • How are you going to stretch yourself in a bigger, more destiny driven, way this year? 
  • Share with me, 1 or 2 DUMB goals that you’re going to chase after in 2015.





P.S. If one of your Big DUMB goals is to launch or build your speaking platform (i.e. you have a message that you know God’s been calling you to share with the world), I invite you to download my new speaker guide which will provide you with 9 key steps to master your message so that you take the stage with more confidence and land more bookings. You can access this special guide by clicking HERE. You will also be on my list to receive notification for my upcoming free speaker trainings.

P.P.S. If you liked this post + want to help me spread the word by using the links below to share it with your buddies, I would greatly appreciate it!

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