Last week I was watching a ministry leader’s training that was being taught by T. D. Jakes. The two-hour training (YES! TWO HOURS!) was the foundation, confirmation, inspiration, and swift kick that I needed to get going on some things that I have been reluctant (insert scared) to put into action this year!


I know. I know. I’m the queen of challenging people to get out their comfort zone and take risks, yet in my own life there have been areas where I have been completely stuck! The biggest insight I gained from the training was how my mindset, namely my limiting beliefs, was holding me back.


I wish I had the time to really unpack all of this with you and maybe I will as the year goes on, but let’s just say it got DEEP! I had to do some hard core reflecting, had to make some hard admissions to myself, had to do some uncomfortable repenting (which can be really tough for us perfectionist types), and had a good ‘ole ugly cry. But, let me tell you, I feel SO. MUCH. BETTER.


After I got through dealing with my own “stuff”, I had an immediate brainstorm of 10 POWER DECLARATIONS to keep me pushing forward into what I know I’m supposed to step into this year.


And I’m sharing the first one with you here today!




I DECLARE that I will no longer apologize for my gifts and talents. I will not downplay the favor of God on my life. I will no longer dim my light in order to not disturb others. Instead I will allow the light of God to be fully expressed in me so that I can help to illuminate the path for others.



I experienced such a huge shift after writing out all the statements, that I’ve decided that I’m going to expand on each of the POWER DECLARATIONS and compile them into a book/journal to help inspire, encourage, and equip other women in their journey. I’ll keep you posted as that moves forward. It’s gonna be good!


YOUR ASSIGNMENT (should you choose to accept it):


  1. Pay it forward by encouraging another woman in your network. I invite you to share this first POWER DECLARATION on either Facebook, which you can share from here or from Instagram here.
  2. Share in the comments below what gifts and/or talents you are going to more fully express in 2015


Can’t wait to hear from you!



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