I want to be a Hypocrite

I want to be a Hypocrite

I want to be a hypocrite. No. Really, I do. You see, it’s so much easier to talk the talk without really having to walk the walk. Isn’t it? Now, don’t get all judgmental on me. I know there have been times when you’ve wanted to be a hypocrite, too. We all have. It’s so much easier to just say we are a certain way, or that we believe a certain thing, or that we are going to do a certain thing. It’s a lot harder to actually be, believe, and do it.

Face the Fear

Face the Fear

If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you will have noticed that I deal a lot with overcoming fear and obstacles. And that is because I believe fear and doubt (or unbelief) are the two greatest enemies to the joy-producing, purpose-filling, faith-building life we are supposed to be living! If we don’t get beyond our fear and doubt, we are not going to be wholly who we have been created to be. In this episode, I talk about how to overcome fear and doubt so that you can get on with the fabulous life you are meant to live!

God is Preparing You

God is Preparing You

I don’t know about you, but life for me has been filled with quite a few unexpected turns. There have been many times that I have wondered “what is the purpose in this?” I have come to accept, understand and appreciate that God’s plan is always at work, even when I don’t see it. Trust that God is preparing you for what He already has prepared for you.

5 Things I’ve Learned from Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

5 Things I’ve Learned from Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

Over the past year, life has taken a series of unexpected turns. While some people are quite comfortable living by the seat of their pants and just taking life as it come, I AM NOT. I love having a plan. But that is not the season that I am in. Here are 5 things that I’ve learned from stepping out of my comfort zone.

Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

I like having a plan. No, that’s not true. I LOVE having a plan. My husband says I even have a plan for getting up in the morning. True. Not only do I LOVE having a plan. I’m really good at making plans. And for the first time in my life, I find myself without a plan and I’m way out of my comfort zone.