Welcome Back . . . to me

Welcome Back . . . to me

If you’ve been on my list for a while, you’ve noticed that there has been a looooong stretch of “radio (er, blog) silence.” However, while I’ve had puuuh-lenty going on in my “real” home, I haven’t had a lot going on here, in my digi-home. So, I’m hitting the reset button. Coming back, stepping up to the plate, getting back in the saddle (or whatever cute saying you have in your arsenal) is always hard. But eventually, we have to. And through the process we are humbled and humanized and healed.

I want to be a Hypocrite

I want to be a Hypocrite

I want to be a hypocrite. No. Really, I do. You see, it’s so much easier to talk the talk without really having to walk the walk. Isn’t it? Now, don’t get all judgmental on me. I know there have been times when you’ve wanted to be a hypocrite, too. We all have. It’s so much easier to just say we are a certain way, or that we believe a certain thing, or that we are going to do a certain thing. It’s a lot harder to actually be, believe, and do it.

Hope is Courageous

Hope is Courageous

Hope is an unwavering belief in something that has yet to be. When life seems to be stacking up against you, when all seems to be going wrong and falling about around you, it may seem impossible to still believe in hope. And yet, that is what we are called to do. Have courage – stay hopeful!

Great Resources for a Great Marriage

Great Resources for a Great Marriage

In today’s times, it takes a real comment and hard work to create a marriage that not only survives, but truly thrives. Thankfully that are many good marriage tools and resources available to help you have a love that lasts. Today I’m sharing some of my favorite marriage books and websites.

5 More Keys to Grow a Happy Marriage

5 More Keys to Grow a Happy Marriage

This is my third post in a series about marriage. The first post addressed “Why I Still Believe in Marriage” and yesterday’s post was Part 1 of “5 Keys to Grow a Happy Marriage”. In today’s post I’m sharing 5 additional keys for a strong, healthy, happy and thriving marriage.

5 Keys to Grow a Happy Marriage

5 Keys to Grow a Happy Marriage

Through our turbulent, trying, and transforming times, I have learned a lot about what makes a strong, happy, healthy, and thriving marriage. As my husband and I make plans to happily celebrate 15 years of marriage, I offer you what I have discovered as keys to a happy marriage.